Icon Internet. Symbol of the Website. Globe Sign

מה המיזם? הוא פתרון מבוסס AI ואוטומציה, של עובדים דיגיטליים. עובד דיגיטלי הוא שילוב של סוכני AI - Agents אוטומציות מתקדמות של תהליכי עבודה וסוכני קול Voice Agents - מה שמאפשר צימצום כוח אדם לא יעיל, הגדלת יכולות ויעילות העסק, והפניית המשאבים לשיפור חווית הלקוח בערוצים השונים. ( whatsapp, שיחה קולית, פניות מהאתר או מהסושייל)

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על המיזם


אנחנו מאמינים ששוק העבודה יעבור שינוי משמעותי בשנים הקרובות בעקבות הבינה מלאכותית לכן המשימה שלנו לגשת לעתיד מתוך ביטחון, מוכנות והשראה להכשיר את הדור הבא של מקצועות משולבי AI לא מתוך חשש של משבר כלכלי אלא מראייה שזאת ההזדמנות לצמיחה כלכלית חברתית ואפילו העצמה החוזוקות שלנו כאנושות - ביצירתית, אינטוציות וחינוך.

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Mission: Action + Agent + Voice

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Clinics Use Case

Problem: Underserved Medical Clinics

in a Modern Healthcare Landscap

In the swiftly evolving realm of healthcare, medical clinics frequently find themselves entangled in an avalanche of administrative duties. Scheduling appointments, dispatching reminders, answering inquiries, and orchestrating campaigns dive into valuable time and resources, redirecting the staff attention away from their cardinal responsibility - patient care. The shortage of automation, coupled with a strong dependence on manual methods, cultivates inefficiencies and introduces errors, posing significant disruption to the clinic's operational competency.

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Clinics Use Case

Solution: Revolutionizing Clinic Operations with AI offers a revolutionary solution to these challenges by introducing AI-powered digital employees into the clinic's operations. The solution includes a Voice Agent that acts as a 24/7 virtual receptionist, handling tasks like scheduling appointments and sending reminders. The AI Agents support campaign responses and manage communications through platforms like WhatsApp. By automating these routine tasks, significantly improves operational efficiency, reduces errors, and allows clinic staff to focus on what matters most - providing quality patient care.

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Luxury Villa Rentals Use Case (Airbnb)

Problem: Manage, Market, and Maintain

For the modern Airbnb Villa Rentals owner, effectively managing properties, creatively marketing listings, and maintaining impeccable service standards present significant challenges. The overwhelming stream of booking inquiries, real-time availability updates, guest communication as well as managing reviews leave owners fragmented. This leaves them with little time to focus on enhancing their properties and delivering memorable guest experiences, affecting customer satisfaction and hampering growth potential. (POC)

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Luxury Villa Rentals Use Case (Airbnb)

Solution: Seamless Operations with

To combat these challenges, introduces AI-powered digital employees into the operation of Airbnb Villa Rentals. Our solution encompasses a Voice Agent acting as a virtual receptionist available 24/7. It efficiently manages booking inquiries, scheduling, and guest communication while also handling review responses.

Simultaneously, AI Agents take up the job of managing property availability, updating listings, and sending digital reminders to guests and cleaning staff. This robust automation of routine tasks significantly enhances operational efficiency, reduces response time, and allows villa owners to focus on perfecting guest experiences and expanding their business. With, villa owners can now operate smoother, smarter, and more profitably.

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Distinguishing the Differences: Chatbots, AI Agents, and Digital Employees Explained

Team/ Founder

"As an ardent advocate of artificial intelligence and automation, I'm driven by the vision of these technologies reshaping the global workforce. My passion lies in anticipating future trends and crafting innovative solutions that foster positive societal transformations.

I believe we shouldn't perceive AI and automation with job security fears, but rather as an opportunity to prepare for a more promising future. A future where we devote less time to mundane tasks and concentrate more on what truly enriches our humanity - relationships, intuition, connections, and emotional support."

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מערכת CRM

Chatbots vs. AI Agents vs. Digital Employess

Chatbots, the basic AI tools, interact with users through preinstalled scripts and guidelines, relying heavily on keyword triggers and often falling short in comprehending intricate queries or sustaining conversation context.

Conversely, AI agents represent a more evolved aspect of this technology. Equipped with natural language processing and machine learning, they perceive, learn, and respond akin to human beings, offering personalized and agile responses while managing slightly complex interactions.

However, Digital Employees, like Action Agent, elevate this technology further. Not only do they mimic human conversation, but also execute tasks, make informed decisions, and learn from their interactions. They effectively carry out multitudinous functions, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and productivity.

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CRM: Phone Call Dashboard

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CRM: AI Agents

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CRM: ReRank

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CRM: Actions - Workflows

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CRM: Knowledge

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Business Model Overview

1. Value Proposition: offers a suite of automated software solutions designed to improve workflow and operational efficiency. The product suite, inclusive of AI Agents, Workflow Automations, and Voice Agents, combines intelligence and automation to manage various tasks such as lead responses, scheduling appointments, and sending reminders, freeing up employees to work on more valuable tasks.

2. Customer Segments: The product serves diverse industries. It's particularly beneficial for businesses that have high operational tasks like healthcare, insurance, retail and e-commerce. It's also accessible to startups and small businesses due to its competitive pricing.

3. Channels: The primary channel to reach customers is through the website and various digital marketing channels such as PPC, content marketing, and social media. Strategic partnerships with other SaaS-based solutions can also facilitate growth.

4. Customer Relationships: aims to establish long-term customer relationships with excellent support services. There is a particular focus on providing superior user experience, including an intuitive user interface, educational resources for better product understanding, and efficient customer support.

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Business Model Overview

5. Revenue Streams: The primary revenue stream for is subscription-based income. Clients pay a regular subscription fee for access to the software, possibly tiered based on the complexity and the scale of use.

6. Key Activities: These would include continuous product development to incorporate advancements in AI and automation, sales and marketing activities to acquire and retain customers, maintaining robust customer service, and regular market research to update product offerings according to market needs.

7. Key Resources: This includes the technology infrastructure (AI, ML, NLP capabilities), human resources including AI specialists, software developers, sales and marketing professionals, and the customer base itself.

8. Key Partnerships: Strategic partnerships form a large part of's business model. This includes integration with existing CRM systems, collaborating with other Saas providers, strong alliances with marketing partners, and alliances with resellers.

9. Cost Structure: The primary costs are associated with technology development, sales and marketing, customer service, and general administrative operating costs.

This business overview provides structure for an AI-driven company like It is necessary to review and update it periodically to ensure it remains aligned with both market dynamics and the company’s strategic plan.

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Business Model

SaaS Business Model for Clinics:

Focused on Achieving a Goal of Onboarding 180 Clients

1. Monthly Revenue: With each Clinic paying $500 monthly, revenue from 180 customers will be 180 * $500 = $90,000 per month.

Over a year, this amounts to $90,000 * 12 = $1,080,000.

2. Installation Fee Revenue: The one-time installation fee of $1500 from 180 customers pans out to 180 * $1500 = $270,000.

Over that goal year, the expected total revenue, including both monthly fees and installation fees, would amount to $1,350,000 ($1,080,000 + $270,000).

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Business Model

The estimated expenses for in the first year breaks down as follows:

1. Research and Development Team: Estimated at $30,000 per month, this leads to a total annual investment of $360,000. The budget accounts for the development of a language model with voice support, automation techniques and establishing partnerships for onboarding.

2. Servers and Miscellaneous Operational Expenses: Estimated at $3,000 per month, it equates to an annual operational cost of $36,000.

3. Marketing and Sales Team: Given the competitive landscape, a dedicated budget for the marketing and sales efforts is set at $25,000 per month, translating to $300,000 in annual expenses.

Adding up these costs, the total operating expense for the first year is forecasted at $700,000.

Therefore, the Investment we are seeking in our first round of funding is $700,000 to cover these expenses while continuing growth initiatives.

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Startups FAQs

Startup Name: Action Agent AI

Startup URL:

What year was your company founded? Jan 2023

What Problem are you looking to solve?

Medical clinics frequently find themselves entangled in an avalanche of administrative duties. Scheduling appointments, dispatching reminders, answering inquiries, and orchestrating campaigns dive into valuable time and resources, redirecting the staff attention away from their cardinal responsibility - patient care.

What is your company going to make to solve these problems?

We offers a revolutionary solution to these challenges by introducing AI-powered digital employees into the clinic's operations. The solution includes a Voice Agent that acts as a 24/7 virtual receptionist, handling tasks like scheduling appointments and sending reminders. The AI Agents support campaign responses and manage communications through platforms like WhatsApp.

Which industry are relevant to your company? - Health Tech, Call Centers, Hospitality

Team Introduction Video (~2 minutes) -

Why is your team a winning team?

Deep Integration of Open Source Technologies: Our team leverages a diverse array of open-source technologies, which not only accelerates our development cycle but also allows us to innovate at a pace that outstrips our competitors. By integrating multiple Large Language Models (LLMs) beyond just GPT, we harness the best of various platforms to enhance our AI's capabilities and adaptability.

Advanced Re-ranking Unlike many of our competitors who rely on a single model output, we employ a sophisticated re-ranking system.

Comprehensive Solution Offering: Our product suite combines the functionalities of what could typically be three separate startups: Voice AI, AI Agents, and Workflow Automation. This integration offers our clients a seamless, all-in-one solution that simplifies implementation and increases operational efficiency. By consolidating multiple needs into a single platform, we reduce the complexity and cost for our clients, making our solution exceptionally competitive.

Please share any traction metrics you have.

Dental Clinics Rishonim - Pilot

Lametayel Thailand - Pilot - active customer

Do you have revenue? March 2024 VillaNofYam - $4000 setup + $300 per month = $4300

Lametayel Thailand - Pilot - $3000 (Building Agent Phase 1) - total: $7300

Dental Clinics Rishonim - (onboarding) April 2024- $3000 setup + $500 a month + $300 nof yam = $3800

How do (or will) you make money? How much could you make?

1. Monthly Revenue: Revenue from 180 customers will be 180 x $500 = $90,000 per month. Over a year, this amounts to $90,000 x 12 = $1,080,000.

2. The one-time installation fee of $1500 from 180 customers pans out to 180 x $1500 = $270,000.

Over that goal year, the expected total revenue, including both monthly fees and installation fees, would amount to $1,350,000 ($1,080,000 + $270,000).

What is your target audience?

Our target audience is specifically medical clinics that are grappling with the high volume of administrative tasks that detract from patient care. We aim to serve these healthcare providers by offering AI-driven solutions that automate routine administrative functions such as scheduling, reminders, and patient inquiries.

Who are your competitors or might be your competitors?

1. -

2. retellai -

3. somn -

4. -

5. -

What is your competitive advantage?

Comprehensive Automation Suite: Arini mainly handles incoming calls and appointment scheduling. In contrast,'s suite includes AI agents, workflow automations, and voice agents that cover a more extensive range of functions beyond just phone calls, enhancing overall productivity. cost-effective solution for smaller businesses. All in one Voice Agent + AI Agents + Actions (Workflows)

What is your competitive advantage? is well-positioned due to trends in AI advancements, automation across industries, and digital transformation accelerated by remote work. Increasing data privacy laws, higher consumer expectations for fast service, economic pressures for cost efficiency, and growing trust in AI further bolster its relevance and market potential.

Why is now the right time for your startup? is well-positioned due to trends in AI advancements, automation across industries, and digital transformation accelerated by remote work. Increasing data privacy laws, higher consumer expectations for fast service, economic pressures for cost efficiency, and growing trust in AI further bolster its relevance and market potential.

What is your Customer Acquisition strategy?

To acquire customers, we'll leverage targeted digital marketing, partnerships with industry influencers, and integration with popular CRM platforms. We'll offer free trials, demo webinars, and exceptional customer success support. Strategic pricing tiers will attract diverse businesses, scaling from local SMEs to large enterprises, aiming for viral growth through satisfied customer referrals.

What are your next major company milestone?

Our next features include enhanced AI personalization, Voice LLM multilingual support , and deeper CRM integrations. We're learning from user feedback and analytics to refine UX and expand capabilities. Continuous customer engagement and satisfaction metrics, along with growth in user adoption rates, will guide our validation of being on the right path.